Data warehouses and OLAP systems help to interactively analyze huge volume of data. This data, extracted from transactional databases, frequently contains spatial information which is useful for decision-making process. Integration of spatial data in multidimensional models leads to the concept of SOLAP (Spatial OLAP). Using a spatial measure as a geographical object, i.e. with geometric and descriptive attributes, raises problems regarding the aggregation operation in its semantic and implementation aspects. This paper shows the requirements for a multidimensional spatial data model and presents a multidimensional data model which is able to support complex objects as measures, inter-dependent attributes for measures and aggregation functions, use of ad-hoc aggregation functions and n to n relations between fact and dimension, in order to handle geographical data, according to its particular nature in an OLAP context. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.1 [Logical Design]: Data mo...