

Towards systems for increased access to justice using goal modeling

8 years 8 months ago
Towards systems for increased access to justice using goal modeling
Abstract—Emerging cyberjustice systems are in need of relevant requirements engineering approaches, for example, to provide citizens with better access to the judicial system. In this context, this paper proposes the use of goal modeling for developing Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) systems in Canada. With ODR, the use of technology has the potential of increasing access to justice at low cost. We argue that a goal-oriented view is needed to capture early requirements about who are the stakeholders, what goals and quality criteria they have and how the various enabling technologies can be combined to meet these goals. A particular case is made for the use of the Goal-oriented Requirement Language (GRL), which covers the above and enables
Sanaa A. Alwidian, Daniel Amyot
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where RE
Authors Sanaa A. Alwidian, Daniel Amyot
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