

Towards Translating Authorizations for Transformed XML Documents

14 years 7 months ago
Towards Translating Authorizations for Transformed XML Documents
Web based services and applications have increased the availability and accessibility of information. XML has recently emerged as an important standard in the area of information representation. XML documents can represent information at different levels of sensitivity. However, XML access control models proposed in the literature enforce access restrictions directly on the structure and content of an XML document. Therefore the authorizations, which specify access rights of users on information within an XML document, must be revised whenever the structure of the XML document is changed. In this paper we present two approaches that translate the authorizations for the transformed XML document. The first approach translates instance-level authorizations by using instance-level mapping between instance nodes of source document and those of transformed document. The second approach translates schema-level authorizations by using schema mapping between schema elements of the source schem...
Somchai Chatvichienchai, Mizuho Iwaihara, Yahiko K
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where WISE
Authors Somchai Chatvichienchai, Mizuho Iwaihara, Yahiko Kambayashi
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