

Towards Trustworthy Spatial Messaging

14 years 3 months ago
Towards Trustworthy Spatial Messaging
Spatial messaging is a term that defines the virtual publication of data in physical places. Generally, anyone in the neighborhood of such a publication point gets the message. Frameworks allowing the users to publish freely spatial messages already exist. However, the experiences realized with volunteers showed that there is only little interest in posting such notes. To our view, the main reason is that there are currently no trust and security mechanisms that inform about the trustworthiness of the messages, thus preventing any serious application. Filling this gap will promote the success of spatial messaging and the growing success of localization and mobile techniques will provide a good support for this concept. This paper describes the spatial messaging services that we are in the process to deploy with our new spatial messaging framework, which includes trust and security mechanisms. Key words: spatial messaging, tag, trust, security
Michel Deriaz, Jean-Marc Seigneur
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Michel Deriaz, Jean-Marc Seigneur
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