

Towards a typology of research performance diversity: the case of top Hungarian players

13 years 5 months ago
Towards a typology of research performance diversity: the case of top Hungarian players
Measuring the intellectual diversity encoded in publication records as a proxy to the degree of interdisciplinarity has recently received considerable attention in the science mapping community. The present paper draws upon the use of the Stirling index as a diversity measure applied to a network model (customized science map) of research profiles, proposed by several authors. A modified version of the index is used and compared with the previous versions on a sample data set in order to rank top Hungarian research organizations (HROs) according to their research performance diversity. Results, unexpected in several respects, show that the modified index is a candidate for measuring the degree of polarization of a research profile. The study also points towards a possible typology of publication portfolios that instantiate different types of diversity. Keywords Diversity index Á Polarization index Á Science mapping Á ISI subject categories Á Hungary Á Research organizations
Sándor Soós, George Kampis
Added 17 Sep 2011
Updated 17 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Sándor Soós, George Kampis
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