

Towards Verification of Storyboards

14 years 2 months ago
Towards Verification of Storyboards
Storyboards are commonly known as rows of pictures, which exemplarily sketch scenes in performing arts. The rows specify the sequence of scenes. The scenes themselves are illustrated. Here, we adapt this term for a different more abstract and more formal use of modeling processes with humans involved like teaching, e.g. Storyboards anticipate alternative paths by a nested hierarchy graphs instead of linear lists. Generally, the concept is able to model every process performed by humans and (partially) realized by human activities (in some cases with usage of computer implemented parts). Our storyboards consist of formal elements such as scenes, episodes, edges, and references along with a "grammar" to compose these elements. Here, we introduce a concept to prove formal properties that indicate structural integrity. The implementation of this concept automatically identifies structural anomalies and helps the storyboard author to compose storyboards. Our Concept of Storyboard...
Rainer Knauf, Horst Duesel
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Rainer Knauf, Horst Duesel
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