

Traceable P2P Record Exchange Based on Database Technologies

14 years 4 months ago
Traceable P2P Record Exchange Based on Database Technologies
Information exchanges in P2P networks have become very popular in recent years. However, tracing how data circulates between peers and how data modifications are performed during the circulation before reaching the destination are not easy because data replications and modifications are performed independently by peers. This creates a lack of reliability among the records exchanged. To provide reliable and flexible information exchange facilities in P2P networks, we propose a framework for a record exchange system based on database technologies. The system consists of three layers: a user layer, a logical layer and a physical layer. Its tracing operations are executed as distributed recursive queries among cooperating peers in a P2P network. This paper describes the concept and overviews the framework.
Fengrong Li, Yoshiharu Ishikawa
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Fengrong Li, Yoshiharu Ishikawa
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