

Trackball text entry for people with motor impairments

15 years 2 months ago
Trackball text entry for people with motor impairments
We present a new gestural text entry method for trackballs. The method uses the mouse cursor and relies on crossing instead of pointing. A user writes in fluid Roman-like unistrokes by "pulsing" the trackball in desired letter patterns. We examine this method both theoretically using the Steering Law and empirically in two studies. Our studies show that able-bodied users who were unfamiliar with trackballs could write at about 10 wpm with <4% total errors after 45 minutes. In eight sessions, a motor-impaired trackball user peaked at 7.11 wpm with 0% uncorrected errors, compared to 5.95 wpm with 0% uncorrected errors with an on-screen keyboard. Over sessions, his speeds were significantly faster with our gestural method than with an on-screen keyboard. A former 15-year veteran of on-screen keyboards, he now uses our gestural method instead. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2. Information interfaces and presentation: User interfaces -- Input devices and strategies. K.4.2. Co...
Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CHI
Authors Jacob O. Wobbrock, Brad A. Myers
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