

Tracking and Activity Recognition Through Consensus in Distributed Camera Networks

13 years 10 months ago
Tracking and Activity Recognition Through Consensus in Distributed Camera Networks
Camera networks are being deployed for various applications like security and surveillance, disaster response and environmental modeling. However, there is little automated processing of the data. Moreover, most methods for multicamera analysis are centralized schemes that require the data to be present at a central server. In many applications, this is prohibitively expensive, both technically and economically. In this paper, we investigate distributed scene analysis algorithms by leveraging upon concepts of consensus that have been studied in the context of multi-agent systems, but have had little applications in video analysis. Each camera estimates certain parameters based on its own sensed data which is then shared locally with the neighboring cameras in an iterative fashion, and a final estimate is arrived at in the network using consensus algorithms. We specifically focus on two basic problems - tracking and activity recognition. For multi-target tracking in a distributed camera...
Bi Song, Ahmed T. Kamal, Cristian Soto, Chong Ding
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TIP
Authors Bi Song, Ahmed T. Kamal, Cristian Soto, Chong Ding, Jay A. Farrell, Amit K. Roy Chowdhury
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