

Tracking and Identifying in Real Time the Robots of a F-180 Team

14 years 6 months ago
Tracking and Identifying in Real Time the Robots of a F-180 Team
- This paper describes the method employed to track and identify each robot during a Robocup match. Also, the playing ball is tracked with almost no extra processing effort. To track the robots it is necessary the use of adequate markers so that not only the position is extracted but also the heading. We discuss the difficulties associated with this problem, various possible approaches and justify our solution. The identification is performed thanks to a minimalist bar code placed in each robot. The bar code solves the problem of resolving some ambiguities that can arise in certain configurations. The procedure described can be executed in real time as it was shown in Paris in RoboCup-98.
Paulo Costa, Paulo Marques, António Moreira
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Paulo Costa, Paulo Marques, António Moreira, Armando Sousa, Pedro Costa
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