

Tracking Appearances with Occlusions

15 years 2 months ago
Tracking Appearances with Occlusions
Occlusion is a difficult problem for appearance-based target tracking, especially when we need to track multiple targets simultaneously and maintain the target identities during tracking. To cope with the occlusion problem explicitly, this paper proposes a dynamic Bayesian network which accommodates an extra hidden process for occlusion and stipulates the conditions on which the image observation likelihood is calculated. The statistical inference of such a hidden process can reveal the occlusion relations among different targets, which makes the tracker more robust against partial even complete occlusions. In addition, considering the fact that target appearances change with views, another generative model for multiple view representation is proposed by adding a switching variable to select from different view templates. The integration of the occlusion model and multiple view model results in a complex dynamic Bayesian network, where extra hidden processes describe the switch of tar...
Ying Wu, Ting Yu, Gang Hua
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 29 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CVPR
Authors Ying Wu, Ting Yu, Gang Hua
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