

Tracking Deforming Objects Using Particle Filtering for Geometric Active Contours

14 years 2 months ago
Tracking Deforming Objects Using Particle Filtering for Geometric Active Contours
—Tracking deforming objects involves estimating the global motion of the object and its local deformations as a function of time. Tracking algorithms using Kalman filters or particle filters have been proposed for finite dimensional representations of shape, but these are dependent on the chosen parametrization and cannot handle changes in curve topology. Geometric active contours provide a framework which is parametrization independent and allow for changes in topology. In the present work, we formulate a particle filtering algorithm in the geometric active contour framework that can be used for tracking moving and deforming objects. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to implement an approximate particle filtering algorithm for tracking on a (theoretically) infinite dimensional state space.
Yogesh Rathi, Namrata Vaswani, Allen Tannenbaum, A
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where PAMI
Authors Yogesh Rathi, Namrata Vaswani, Allen Tannenbaum, Anthony J. Yezzi
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