

Traffic Aware Power Saving Protocol in Multi-hop Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

14 years 3 months ago
Traffic Aware Power Saving Protocol in Multi-hop Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
— This paper presents an optimization of PSM to improve its energy conservation. According to PSM, time is divided into beacon intervals. At the beginning of each beacon interval, all stations must be awake during a specific period called ATIM window to be able to send and receive synchronization messages and announcements of buffered data frames. PSM specifies that a station having sent or received an announcement or having sent a beacon must remain awake during the entire beacon interval. This may lead to wasting energy specially at light traffic loads where stations should conserve the most. We propose an enhancement called the Traffic Aware Power Saving Mode (TA-PSM) to solve this problem by allowing nodes to enter the doze state when they are no more involved in data delivery even if they have already sent a beacon, an ATIM or an ATIM-ACK. Our objective is to reduce the energy consumption without any throttling to throughput. Extensive simulations based on fixed and dynamic topo...
Abdelfattah Belghith, Wafa Akkari, Jean-Marie Bonn
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JNW
Authors Abdelfattah Belghith, Wafa Akkari, Jean-Marie Bonnin
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