

A traffic model for the Xbox game Halo 2

14 years 6 months ago
A traffic model for the Xbox game Halo 2
This paper analyses the traffic characteristics of, and proposes a traffic model for, the Xbox game Halo 2. Our goal is to help players and network providers to estimate the amount of traffic caused by the game and the impact on access links or provider networks. It also enables other researchers to use a realistic Halo 2 traffic model in network simulations. We focus on the following characteristics: bandwidth, packet rate and distribution of packet inter-arrival times and packet lengths. We compare the results with a previous analysis of Halo 1 and find some major differences – the client packet rate has been reduced, packet sizes have no longer a single fixed value per game and the mean packet size has decreased (so Halo 2 requires less bandwidth). Finally we develop traffic simulation models for Halo 2 and compare them against the experimentally obtained data. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.3 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network Operations – Network management, N...
Sebastian Zander, Grenville J. Armitage
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Sebastian Zander, Grenville J. Armitage
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