

Trajectory simplification method for location-based social networking services

14 years 10 months ago
Trajectory simplification method for location-based social networking services
The increasing availabilities of GPS-enabled devices have given rise to the location-based social networking services (LBSN), in which users can record their travel experiences with GPS trajectories and share these trajectories among each other on Web communities. Usually, GPS-enabled devices record far denser points than necessary in the scenarios of GPS-trajectory-sharing. Meanwhile, these redundant points will decrease the performance of LBSN systems and even cause the Web browser crashed. Existing line simplification algorithms only focus on maintaining the shape information of a GPS trajectory while ignoring the corresponding semantic meanings a trajectory implies. In the LBSN, people want to obtain reference knowledge from other users’ travel routes and try to follow a specific travel route that interests them. Therefore, the places where a user stayed, took photos, or changed moving direction greatly, etc, would be more significant than other points in presenting semantic mea...
Yukun Chen, Kai Jiang, Yu Zheng, Chunping Li, Neng
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where GIS
Authors Yukun Chen, Kai Jiang, Yu Zheng, Chunping Li, Nenghai Yu
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