

Transbase: a Leading-edge ROLAP Engine Supporting Multidimensional Indexing and Hierarchy Clustering

14 years 5 months ago
Transbase: a Leading-edge ROLAP Engine Supporting Multidimensional Indexing and Hierarchy Clustering
: Analysis-oriented database applications, such as data warehousing or customer relationship management, play a crucial role in the database area. In general, the multidimensional data model is used in these applications, realized as star or snow-flake schemata in the relational world. The so-called star queries are the prevalent type of queries on such schemata. All database vendors have extended their products to support star queries efficiently. However, mostly reporting queries benefit from the optimizations, like pre-aggregation, while ad-hoc queries usually lack efficient support. We present the DBMS Transbase® in this paper, which provides a new physical organization of the data based on hierarchical clustering and multidimensional clustering combined with multidimensional indexing. In combination with new query optimizations (e.g., hierarchical pre-grouping) significant performance improvements are achieved. The paper describes how the new technology is implemented in the Tran...
Roland Pieringer, Klaus Elhardt, Frank Ramsak, Vol
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where BTW
Authors Roland Pieringer, Klaus Elhardt, Frank Ramsak, Volker Markl, Robert Fenk, Rudolf Bayer
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