

Transfer of knowledge for a climbing Virtual Human: A reinforcement learning approach

14 years 7 months ago
Transfer of knowledge for a climbing Virtual Human: A reinforcement learning approach
— In the reinforcement learning literature, transfer is the capability to reuse on a new problem what has been learnt from previous experiences on similar problems. Adapting transfer properties for robotics is a useful challenge because it can reduce the time spent in the first exploration phase on a new problem. In this paper we present a transfer framework adapted to the case of a climbing Virtual Human (VH). We show that our VH learns faster to climb a wall after having learnt on a different previous wall.
Benoit Libeau, Alain Micaelli, Olivier Sigaud
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Benoit Libeau, Alain Micaelli, Olivier Sigaud
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