

Transforming Perceived Vocal Effort and Breathiness Using Adaptive Pre-Emphasis Linear Prediction

14 years 1 months ago
Transforming Perceived Vocal Effort and Breathiness Using Adaptive Pre-Emphasis Linear Prediction
Abstract--This paper presents a technique to transform high-effort voices into breathy voices using adaptive pre-emphasis linear prediction (APLP). The primary benefit of this technique is that it estimates a spectral emphasis filter that can be used to manipulate the perceived vocal effort. The other benefit of APLP is that it estimates a formant filter that is more consistent across varying voice qualities. This paper describes how constant pre-emphasis linear prediction (LP) estimates a voice source with a constant spectral envelope even though the spectral envelope of the true voice source varies over time. A listening experiment demonstrates how differences in vocal effort and breathiness are audible in the formant filter estimated by constant pre-emphasis LP. APLP is presented as a technique to estimate a spectral emphasis filter that captures the combined influence of the glottal source and the vocal tract upon the spectral envelope of the voice. A final listening experiment dem...
K. I. Nordstrom, George Tzanetakis, Peter F. Dries
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors K. I. Nordstrom, George Tzanetakis, Peter F. Driessen
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