

Translate Graphical XML Query Language to SQLX

14 years 6 months ago
Translate Graphical XML Query Language to SQLX
: Semi-structured data has become more and more attention-getting with the emergence of XML, and it has aroused much enthusiasm for integrating XML and SQL in database community. Due to the complexity of XQuery, graphical XML query languages have been developed to help users query XML data. In this paper, we propose a new XML-to-SQL solution on the base of ORA-SS, a rich semantic model for semi-structured data. We model the data by ORA-SS schema and store them in an ORDB. Based on ORA-SS, we developed a graphical XML query language GLASS that not only expresses the query constraints and reconstruction structure in XML view but also the relational semantic in the XML view. This paper focuses on the translation algorithm from GLASS to SQLX, an XML extension on traditional SQL.
Wei Ni, Tok Wang Ling
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Wei Ni, Tok Wang Ling
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