

Transliterated arabic name search

14 years 4 months ago
Transliterated arabic name search
We address name search for transliterated Arabic given names. In previous work, we addressed similar problems with English and Arabic surnames. In each previous case, we used a variant of Soundex and n-grams to improve precision and recall of name matching compared against well known approaches such as the Russell Soundex algorithm. Unlike prior work, the proposed approach does not rely upon Soundex algorithms. We experiment with combinations of n-grams of varying lengths. Our previous work focused on two character n-grams. As with our prior work, this approach uses standard SQL and remains portable to different relational database engines, demonstrated by implementing test in SQLAnywhere and Teradata environments. KEY WORDS Name Search, SQL, Arabic Transliteration, n-grams.
David Holmes, Samsum Kashfi, Syed Uzair Aqeel
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CIIT
Authors David Holmes, Samsum Kashfi, Syed Uzair Aqeel
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