

Transmission of tactile roughness through master-slave systems

14 years 9 months ago
Transmission of tactile roughness through master-slave systems
Abstract— In this study, a tactile-roughness transmission system applicable to master-slave systems with a communication time delay is developed. The master-side system constructs a local model of target objects placed in the slave-side environment. Tactile feedbacks presented to an operator at the master side are produced by combining the physical properties of target objects in the local model and the kinetic information of the operator. The time delay between the operator’s motion and the tactile feedback is cancelled because the stimuli are synchronized with the exploratory motions. The proposed system is applied to the transmission of tactileroughness. The tactile stimuli presented to the operator are vibratory stimuli whose amplitude and frequency are controlled. These stimuli are locally synthesized by combining the surface wavelength of target objects and the operator’s hand velocity. Using the developed tactile-roughness transmission system, an experiment for transmittin...
Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Satos
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro
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