: TextWise LLC. participated in the TREC-7 Cross-Language Retrieval track using the CINDOR system, which utilizes a "conceptual interlingua" representation of documents and queries. The current CINDOR research system uses a conceptual interlingua constructed around the Princeton WordNet, which we are mapping into French and Spanish. The use of an interlingual representation of documents and queries allows us to perform retrieval on any combination of supported languages, rather than having to rely on pairwise translations, while the use of a resource like WordNet allows us to match equivalent terms (including synonyms) across languages. Although the analysis of our TREC-7 results is clouded somewhat by the kinds of system errors which inevitably occur in a first-time evaluation over large TREC corpora, our evaluation of the conceptual interlingua approach suggests that it provides highly effective cross-language retrieval performance. In particular, we notice that the CINDOR ...