

TreeFam: a curated database of phylogenetic trees of animal gene families

14 years 11 days ago
TreeFam: a curated database of phylogenetic trees of animal gene families
TreeFam is a database of phylogenetic trees of gene families found in animals. It aims to develop a curated resource that presents the accurate evolutionary his20 tory of all animal gene families, as well as reliable ortholog and paralog assignments. Curated families are being added progressively, based on seed alignments and trees in a similar fashion to Pfam. Release
Heng Li, Avril Coghlan, Jue Ruan, Lachlan James M.
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where NAR
Authors Heng Li, Avril Coghlan, Jue Ruan, Lachlan James M. Coin, Jean-Karim Hériché, Lara Osmotherly, Ruiqiang Li, Tao Liu, Zhang Zhang, Lars Bolund, Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Wei-Mou Zheng, Paramvir Dehal, Jun Wang, Richard Durbin
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