

Treelike Comparability Graphs: Characterization, Recognition, and Applications

14 years 8 months ago
Treelike Comparability Graphs: Characterization, Recognition, and Applications
An undirected graph is a treelike comparability graph if it admits a transitive orientation such that its transitive reduction is a tree. We show that treelike comparability graphs are distance hereditary. Utilizing this property, we give a linear time recognition algorithm. We then characterize permutation graphs that are treelike. Finally, we consider the Partitioning into Bounded Cliques problem on special subgraphs of treelike permutation graphs.
Sabine Cornelsen, Gabriele Di Stefano
Added 03 Jul 2010
Updated 03 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WG
Authors Sabine Cornelsen, Gabriele Di Stefano
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