

Triggered Real-Time Databases with Consistency Constraints

14 years 4 months ago
Triggered Real-Time Databases with Consistency Constraints
Real-time database systems incorporate the notion of a deadline into the database system model. USUally, deadlines are associated with transactions, and the system attempts to execute a given set of transactions so as to both meet the deadlines and ensure the database consistency. This paper presents an alternative model of real-time database processing in which deadlines are associated with consistency constraints rather than directly with transactions. This model leads to a predicate-baaed approach to transaction management that allows greater concurrency and more flexibility in modeling real-world systems.
Henry F. Korth, Nandit Soparkar, Abraham Silbersch
Added 11 Aug 2010
Updated 11 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1990
Where VLDB
Authors Henry F. Korth, Nandit Soparkar, Abraham Silberschatz
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