

Truly distribution-independent algorithms for the N-body problem

14 years 7 months ago
Truly distribution-independent algorithms for the N-body problem
The N - body problem is to simulate the motion of N particles under the influence of mutual force fields based on an inverse square law. Greengard's algorithm claims to compute the cumulative force on each particle in O ( N ) time for a fixed precision irrespective of the distribution of the particles. In this paper, we show that Greengard's algorithm is distribution dependent and has a lower bound of ( N log2 N ) in two dimensions and(N log4 N)inthreedimensions. WeanalyzetheGreengard and Barnes-Hut algorithms and show that they are unbounded for arbitrary distributions. We also present a truly distribution independent algorithm for solving the N-body problem inO (N log N ) time in two dimensions and in O (N log 2 N) time in three dimensions.
Srinivas Aluru, Gurpur M. Prabhu, John L. Gustafso
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where SC
Authors Srinivas Aluru, Gurpur M. Prabhu, John L. Gustafson
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