

A Trust Model Robust to Slander Attacks in Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 10 months ago
A Trust Model Robust to Slander Attacks in Ad Hoc Networks
— Slander attacks represent a significant danger to distributed reputation systems. Malicious nodes may collude to lie about the reputation of a particular neighbor and cause serious damage to the overall trust evaluation system. This paper presents and analyzes a trust model robust to slander attacks in ad hoc networks. We provide nodes with a mechanism to build a trust relationship with its neighbors. The proposed model considers the recommendation of trustworthy neighbors and the previous experiences of the node itself. The interactions are limited to direct neighbors in order to scale on mobile networks. The results show the impact of slander attacks to our trust model. We analyze how the main parameters affect the trust evaluation process under a lying collusion attack. We show that our trust model tolerate almost 40% of liars.
Pedro B. Velloso, Rafael P. Laufer, Otto Carlos Mu
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Pedro B. Velloso, Rafael P. Laufer, Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte, Guy Pujolle
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