

A Trustability Metric for Code Search based on Developer Karma

13 years 12 months ago
A Trustability Metric for Code Search based on Developer Karma
The promise of search-driven development is that developers will save time and resources by reusing external code in their local projects. To efficiently integrate this code, users must be able to trust it, thus trustability of code search results is just as important as their relevance. In this paper, we introduce a trustability metric to help users assess the quality of code search results and therefore ease the cost-benefit analysis they undertake trying to find suitable integration candidates. The proposed trustability metric incorporates both user votes and cross-project activity of developers to calculate a "karma" value for each developer. Through the karma value of all its developers a project is ranked on a trustability scale. We present JBender, a proof-of-concept code search engine which implements our trustability metric and we discuss preliminary results from an evaluation of the prototype.
Florian S. Gysin, Adrian Kuhn
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Florian S. Gysin, Adrian Kuhn
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