

Trusted business system model using context sensitiveness

13 years 12 months ago
Trusted business system model using context sensitiveness
—The objective of the paper is to propose a predictable context sensitive trust model for a business system. A business system can be imagined with four basic entities between which there is a mutual trust of different nature exists. A formal model, which encompasses the trust between the stack-holders is proposed where the context sensitive features of the multi variate trust issues are addressed. The impact of both the legal environment and the interoperability factors on various entities involved in the trust issues are focused in the work. The key dimensions of the trust i.e. integrity and loyalty are determined through acceptable uncertainties of various components in the proposed model the proposed context sensitive trust model for business systems. The model which represents the various trusts in a context sensitive business system is verified using a numerical simulation tool and the inferences are drawn with a scenario Keywords- Context Sensitive, Trust, Business System, Ac...
Chandrasekaran Subramaniam, Sankarbharathy Ponnusa
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where NCM
Authors Chandrasekaran Subramaniam, Sankarbharathy Ponnusamy, Agilan Ravi, Hanumanth Praveen Ravindran
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