

A Trusted Infrastructure for P2P-based Marketplaces

14 years 10 months ago
A Trusted Infrastructure for P2P-based Marketplaces
Peer-to-peer (P2P) based marketplaces have a number of advantages over traditional centralized systems (such as eBay). Peers form a distributed hash table and store sale offers for other peers. A key problem in such a system is ensuring that the peers store and report all sale offers fairly, and do not for instance favor their own offers. We give a solution to this problem based on Trusted Computing, but unlike other approaches we do not measure and restrict all firmware and software running on a peer. Instead, we tie offers to monotonic counters in such a way that any attempt to not report an offer, or report it falsely, will be detected.
Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, Tom Chothia, Mark Ryan
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where P2P
Authors Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, Tom Chothia, Mark Ryan
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