

Tumble! Splat! helping users access and manipulate occluded content in 2D drawings

13 years 11 months ago
Tumble! Splat! helping users access and manipulate occluded content in 2D drawings
Accessing and manipulating occluded content in layered 2D drawings can be difficult. This paper characterizes a design space of techniques that facilitate access to occluded content. In addition, we introduce two new tools, Tumbler and Splatter, which represent unexplored areas of the design space. Finally, we present results of a study that contrasts these two tools against the traditional scene index used in most drawing applications. Results show that Splatter is comparable to and can be better than the scene index. Our findings allow us to understand the inherent design tradeoffs, and to identify areas for further improvement. Categories and Subject Descriptors H5.2 [Information interfaces and presentation]: User Interfaces
Gonzalo Ramos, George G. Robertson, Mary Czerwinsk
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AVI
Authors Gonzalo Ramos, George G. Robertson, Mary Czerwinski, Desney S. Tan, Patrick Baudisch, Ken Hinckley, Maneesh Agrawala
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