

Turning a Term Extractor into a new Domain: first Experiences

14 years 1 months ago
Turning a Term Extractor into a new Domain: first Experiences
Computational terminology has notably evolved since the advent of computers. Regarding the extraction of terms in particular, a large number of resources has been developed: from very general tools to other much more specific acquis ition methodologies. Such acquisition methodologies range from using simple linguistic patterns or frequency counting methods to using much more evolved strategies combining morphological, syntactical, semantical and contextual information. Researchers usually develop a term extractor to be applied to a given domain and, in some cases, some testing about the tool performance is also done. Afterwards, such tools may also be applied to other domains, though frequently no additional test is made in such cases. Usually, the application of a given tool to other domain does not require any tuning. Recently, some tools using semantic resources have been developed. In such cases, either a domain-specific or a generic resource may be used. In the latter case, some ...
Jorge Vivaldi, Anna Joan, Mercè Lorente
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LREC
Authors Jorge Vivaldi, Anna Joan, Mercè Lorente
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