

Tweet Sentiment: From Classification to Quantification

8 years 8 months ago
Tweet Sentiment: From Classification to Quantification
Abstract—Sentiment classification has become a ubiquitous enabling technology in the Twittersphere, since classifying tweets according to the sentiment they convey towards a given entity (be it a product, a person, a political party, or a policy) has many applications in political science, social science, market research, and many others. In this paper we contend that most previous studies dealing with tweet sentiment classification (TSC) use a suboptimal approach. The reason is that the final goal of most such studies is not estimating the class label (e.g., Positive, Negative, or Neutral) of individual tweets, but estimating the relative frequency (a.k.a. “prevalence”) of the different classes in the dataset. The latter task is called quantification, and recent research has convincingly shown that it should be tackled as a task of its own, using learning algorithms and evaluation measures different from those used for classification. In this paper we show, on a multiplic...
Wei Gao, Fabrizio Sebastiani 0001
Added 16 Apr 2016
Updated 16 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Wei Gao, Fabrizio Sebastiani 0001
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