

Two Dimensional Parameterized Matching

14 years 6 months ago
Two Dimensional Parameterized Matching
Two equal length strings, or two equal sized two-dimensional texts, parameterize match (p-match) if there is a one-one mapping (relative to the alphabet) of their characters. Two-dimensional parameterized matching is the task of finding all m × m substrings of an n×n text that p-match to an m×m pattern. This models, for example, searching for color images with changing of color maps. We present two algorithm that solve the two-dimensional parameterized matching problem. The time complexities of our algorithms are O(n2 log2 m) and O(n2 + m2.5 · polylog(m)).
Carmit Hazay, Moshe Lewenstein, Dekel Tsur
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CPM
Authors Carmit Hazay, Moshe Lewenstein, Dekel Tsur
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