

Two-Phased Approximation Algorithms for Minimum CDS in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 7 months ago
Two-Phased Approximation Algorithms for Minimum CDS in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
— Connected dominating set (CDS) has a wide range of applications in wireless ad hoc networks. A number of distributed algorithms for constructing a small CDS in wireless ad hoc networks have been proposed in the literature. The majority of these distributed algorithms follow a general twophased approach. The first phase constructs a dominating set, and the second phase selects additional nodes to interconnect the nodes in the dominating set. In this paper, we prove that the approximation ratio of the two-phased algorithm in [10] is at most 71 3 , improving upon the previous best-known approximation ratio of 7.6 due to [12]. We also propose a new two-phased approximation algorithm and prove that its approximation ratio is at most 6 7 18 . Our analyses exploit an improved upper bound on the number independent points that can be packed in the neighborhood of a connected finite planar set.
Peng-Jun Wan, Lixin Wang, F. Frances Yao
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Peng-Jun Wan, Lixin Wang, F. Frances Yao
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