

Two Puzzles Concerning Measures of Uncertainty and the Positive Boolean Connectives

14 years 6 months ago
Two Puzzles Concerning Measures of Uncertainty and the Positive Boolean Connectives
Abstract. The two puzzles are the Lottery Paradox and the Amalgamation Paradox, which both point out difficulties for aggregating uncertain information. A generalization of the lottery paradox is presented and a new form of an amalgamation reversal is introduced. Together these puzzles highlight a difficulty for introducing measures of uncertainty to a variety of logical knowledge representation frameworks. The point is illustrated by contrasting the constraints on solutions to each puzzle with the structural properties of the preferential semantics for non-monotonic logics (System P), and also with systems of normal modal logics. The difficulties illustrate several points of tensions between the aggregation of uncertain information and aggregation according to the monotonically positive Boolean connectives, ∧ and ∨.
Gregory R. Wheeler
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where EPIA
Authors Gregory R. Wheeler
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