

Two Types of Multiple-Conclusion Systems

14 years 2 months ago
Two Types of Multiple-Conclusion Systems
Hypersequents are nite sets of ordinary sequents. We show that multiple-conclusion sequents and single-conclusion hypersequents represent two di erent natural methods of switching from a singleconclusioncalculusto a multiple-conclusionone. The useof multiple-conclusionsequentscorresponds to using a multiplicativedisjunction,while the use of single-conclusionhypersequentscorrespondsto using an additive one. Moreover: each of the two methods is usually based on a di erent natural semantic idea and accordinglyleads to a di erentclass of algebraicstructures. In the cases we consider here the use of multiple-conclusion sequents corresponds to focusing the attention on structures in which there is a full symmetry between the sets of designatedand antidesignated elements. The use of single-conclusionhypersequents, on the other hand, corresponds to the use of structures in which all elementsexceptone are designated. Not surprisingy,the use of multiple-conclusionhypersequents corresponds to th...
Arnon Avron
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where IGPL
Authors Arnon Avron
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