

Type-based race detection for Java

14 years 7 months ago
Type-based race detection for Java
This paper presents a static race detection analysis for multithreaded Java programs. Our analysis is based on a formal type system that is capable of capturing many common synchronization patterns. These patterns include classes with internal synchronization, classes that require client-side synchronization, and thread-local classes. Experience checking over 40,000 lines of Java code with the type system demonstrates that it is an effective approach for eliminating races conditions. On large examples, fewer than 20 additional type annotations per 1000 lines of code were required by the type checker, and we found a number of races in the standard Java libraries and other test programs.
Cormac Flanagan, Stephen N. Freund
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where PLDI
Authors Cormac Flanagan, Stephen N. Freund
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