

A Type-Theoretic Framework for Formal Reasoning with Different Logical Foundations

14 years 4 months ago
A Type-Theoretic Framework for Formal Reasoning with Different Logical Foundations
Abstract. A type-theoretic framework for formal reasoning with different logical foundations is introduced and studied. With logic-enriched type theories formulated in a logical framework, it allows various logical systems such as classical logic as well as intuitionistic logic to be used effectively alongside inductive data types and type universes. This provides an adequate basis for wider applications of type theory based theorem proving technology. Two notions of set are introduced in the framework and used in two case studies of classical reasoning: a predicative one in the formalisation of Weyl's predicative mathematics and an impredicative one in the verification of security protocols.
Zhaohui Luo
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Zhaohui Luo
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