

UB-Tree Based Efficient Predicate Index with Dimension Transform for Pub/Sub System

14 years 7 months ago
UB-Tree Based Efficient Predicate Index with Dimension Transform for Pub/Sub System
For event filtering of publish/subscribe system, significant research efforts have been dedicated to techniques based on multiple one-dimensional indexes built on attributes of subscription. Because such kinds of techniques are efficient only in the case that operators used in predicates are equality operator (=) and attributes used in subscriptions are fixed, the flexibility and expressiveness of publish/subscribe system are limited. Event filtering on subscriptions which include not only equality operator (=) but also non-equality operators (<=, =>) without fixed attributes, is similar to query in high dimensional data space. In this paper, considering dynamic maintenance and space efficiency of publish/subscribe system, we propose an index structure for event filtering based on UBtree. There, by dimension transform, the event filtering is regarded as high dimensional range query. The feasibility of the proposed index is evaluated in simulated publish/subscription environment. ...
Botao Wang, Wang Zhang, Masaru Kitsuregawa
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Botao Wang, Wang Zhang, Masaru Kitsuregawa
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