

Ultrametrics, Banach's fixed point theorem and the Riordan group

14 years 20 days ago
Ultrametrics, Banach's fixed point theorem and the Riordan group
We interpret the reciprocation process in K[[x]] as a fixed point problem related to contractive functions for certain adequate ultrametric spaces. This allows us to give a dynamical interpretation of certain arithmetical triangles introduced herein. Later we recognize, as a special case of our construction, the so called Riordan group which is a device used in combinatorics. In this manner we give a new and alternative way to construct the proper Riordan arrays. Our point of view allows us to give a natural metric on the Riordan group turning this group into a topological group. This construction allows us to recognize a countable descending chain of normal subgroups.
Ana Luzón, Manuel A. Morón
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where DAM
Authors Ana Luzón, Manuel A. Morón
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