

From UML/SPT Models to Schedulability Analysis: a Metamodel-Based Transformation

14 years 8 months ago
From UML/SPT Models to Schedulability Analysis: a Metamodel-Based Transformation
UML through its profiling mechanism is well adapted for the modeling of real-time software requirements and designs. It is becoming the de facto standard. On the other hand, several real-time schedulability analysis techniques have been proposed in the literature. One of the current research challenges is in bridging the gap between the UML/SPT models and the well-established realtime schedulability analysis techniques. In this paper, we propose an MDA-compliant approach addressing this issue. We develop an UML metamodel for a well-established schedulability analysis technique. We propose a rule-based transformation between the UML/SPT schedulability analysis sub-profile metamodel and this metamodel. We illustrate our approach with an example.
Abdelouahed Gherbi, Ferhat Khendek
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Abdelouahed Gherbi, Ferhat Khendek
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