

An Undecidable Linear Order That Is n-Decidable for All n

14 years 2 months ago
An Undecidable Linear Order That Is n-Decidable for All n
A linear order is n-decidable if its universe is N and the relations determined by n formulas are uniformly computable. This means that there is a computable procedure which, when applied to a n formula ϕ( ¯x) and a sequence ¯a of elements of the linear order, will determine whether or not ϕ( ¯a) is true in the structure. A linear order is decidable if the relations determined by all formulas are uniformly computable. These definitions suggest two questions. Are there, for each n, n-decidable linear orders that are not (n + 1)-decidable? Are there linear orders that are ndecidable for all n but not decidable? The former was answered in t he positive by Moses in 1993. Here we answer the latter, also positively.
John Chisholm, Michael Moses
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors John Chisholm, Michael Moses
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