

Understanding Entailments in OWL

14 years 4 months ago
Understanding Entailments in OWL
This paper describes the explanation in OWL landscape. In recent years there has been huge progress, both in theory and implementation, in the area of explaining the causes of entailments in OWL ontologies. This paper charts the course of explanation in OWL and then looks at ways in which user understanding of ontologies might be further improved. Specifically, the use of fine-grained justifications, augmentation of justifications with lemmas, and the provision of browseable models are discussed as methods of further improving user understanding in the context of ontologies and entailments.
Matthew Horridge, Johannes Bauer, Bijan Parsia, Ul
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Matthew Horridge, Johannes Bauer, Bijan Parsia, Ulrike Sattler
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