

Understanding Implicit Entities and Events with Getaruns

14 years 7 months ago
Understanding Implicit Entities and Events with Getaruns
- Semantic processing represents the new challenge for all applications that require text understanding, as for instance Q/A. In this paper we will highlight the need to couple statistical approaches with deep linguistic processing and will focus on “implicit” or lexically unexpressed linguistic elements that are nonetheless necessary for a complete semantic interpretation of a text. We will address the following types of “implicit” entities and events: - grammatical ones, as suggested by a linguistic theories like LFG or similar generative theories; - semantic ones suggested in the FrameNet project, i.e. CNI, DNI, INI; - pragmatic ones: here we will present a theory and an implementation for the recovery of implicit entities and events of (non-) standard implicatures. In particular we will show how the use of commonsense knowledge may fruitfully contribute in finding relevant implied meanings. We will also briefly explore the Subject of Point of View which is computed by Seman...
Rodolfo Delmonte
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Rodolfo Delmonte
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