

Unfold/fold Transformations Preserving Termination Properties

14 years 6 months ago
Unfold/fold Transformations Preserving Termination Properties
The unfold/fold framework constitutes the spine of many program transformation strategies. However, by unrestricted use of folding the target program may terminate less often than the source program. Several authors have investigated the problem of setting up conditions of syntactic nature, i.e. not based on some well-founded ordering of the arguments, which guarantee preservation of termination properties. These conditions are typically formulated in a way which makes it hard to grasp the basic intuition why they work, and in a way which makes it hard to give elegant proofs of correctness. The aim of this paper will be to give a more unified treatment by setting up a model which enables us to reason about termination preservation in a cleaner and more algebraic fashion. The model resembles a logic language and is parametrized with respect to evaluation order, but it should not be too difficult to transfer the ideas to other languages. A summary of this work is reported in [Amt92]. 1 ...
Torben Amtoft
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Authors Torben Amtoft
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