

A Unified Framework for Web Link Analysis

14 years 8 months ago
A Unified Framework for Web Link Analysis
Web link analysis has been proved to provide significant enhancement to the precision of web search in practice. Among existing approaches, Kleinberg’s HITS and Google’s PageRank are the two most representative algorithms that employ explicit hyperlinks structure among web pages to conduct link analysis, and DirectHit represents the other extreme that takes the user’s access frequency as implicit link to the web page for counting its importance. In this paper, we propose a novel link analysis algorithm which puts both explicit and implicit link structures under a unified framework, and show that HITS and DirectHit are essentially the two extreme instances of our proposed method. One important advantage of our method is its ability to analyze not only the hyperlinks between web-pages but also the interactions between the users and the Web at the same time. The importance of web-pages and users can reinforce each other to improve the Web link analysis. Compared with traditional HI...
Zheng Chen, Li Tao, Jidong Wang, Liu Wenyin, Wei-Y
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where WISE
Authors Zheng Chen, Li Tao, Jidong Wang, Liu Wenyin, Wei-Ying Ma
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