

Unified Q-ary Tree for RFID Tag Anti-Collision Resolution

14 years 7 months ago
Unified Q-ary Tree for RFID Tag Anti-Collision Resolution
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology uses radio-frequency waves to automatically identify people or objects. A large volume of data, resulting from the fast capturing RFID readers and a huge number of tags, poses challenges for data management. This is particularly the case when a reader simultaneously reads multiple tags and Radio Frequency (RF) collisions occur, causing RF signals to interfere with each other and therefore preventing the reader from identifying all tags. This problem is known as Missed reads, which can be solved by using anti-collision techniques to prevent two or more tags from responding to a reader at the same time. The current probabilistic anti-collision methods are suffering from Tag starvation problems so not all tags can be identified, while the deterministic methods suffer from too long Identification delay. In this paper, a "Unified Q-ary Tree Protocols" based on Query tree is presented. In empirical study compared with the Query tree...
Prapassara Pupunwiwat, Bela Stantic
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ADC
Authors Prapassara Pupunwiwat, Bela Stantic
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