
ACL Anthology

Unifying Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammars and Tree Transducers via Bimorphisms

14 years 3 months ago
Unifying Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammars and Tree Transducers via Bimorphisms
We place synchronous tree-adjoining grammars and tree transducers in the single overarching framework of bimorphisms, continuing the unification of synchronous grammars and tree transducers initiated by Shieber (2004). Along the way, we present a new definition of the tree-adjoining grammar derivation relation based on a novel direct inter-reduction of TAG and monadic macro tree transducers. Tree transformation systems such as tree transducers and synchronous grammars have seen renewed interest, based on a perceived relevance to new applications, such as importing syntactic structure into statistical machine translation models or founding a formalism for speech command and control. The exact relationship among a variety of formalisms has been unclear, with a large number of seemingly unrelated formalisms being independently proposed or characterized. An initial step toward unifying the formalisms was taken (Shieber, 2004) in making use of the formallanguage-theoretic device of bimorph...
Stuart M. Shieber
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where EACL
Authors Stuart M. Shieber
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