

A unifying view of loosely time-triggered architectures

14 years 23 days ago
A unifying view of loosely time-triggered architectures
Abstract--Cyber-Physical Systems require distributed architectures to support safety critical real-time control. Kopetz' Time-Triggered Architectures (TTA) have been proposed as both an architecture and a comprehensive paradigm for systems architecture, for such systems. To relax the strict requirements on synchronization imposed by TTA, Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures (LTTA) have been recently proposed. In LTTA, computation and communication units at all triggered by autonomous, non synchronized, clocks. Communication media act as shared memories between writers and readers and communication is non blocking. In this paper we pursue our previous work by providing a unified presentation of the two variants of LTTA (token- and time-based), with simplified analyses. We compare these two variants regarding performance and robustness and we provide ways to combine them.1
Albert Benveniste, Anne Bouillard, Paul Caspi
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Albert Benveniste, Anne Bouillard, Paul Caspi
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